Bonnie Prigge, Executive Director – Meramec Regional Planning Commission, represented MACOG at the second annual Missouri Broadband Stakeholder Summit on November 7, 2023. In front of a crowd of over 100 internet service providers and community stakeholders, Ms. Prigge detailed the results of the MACOG/State of Missouri Statewide Broadband Planning Project which highlights the unserved and underserved areas of the state and provides pro-forma recommendations on how broadband deployment can take place in the most critical unserved areas in each RPC region. Ms. Prigge was featured on a local newscast stressing the importance of the broadband planning and funding initiatives currently underway.
Missouri’s broadband stakeholder summit: Mapping the future of internet coverage in underserved areas
by spltmqao-ca | Nov 10, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments